On Friday 31st March, we went on a field trip to the movie theatre Pandora to see Hidden Figures. This movie was released in 2016 and it was directed by Theodore Melfi. It’s the story of three African-American women who worked for the NASA as computers for the space program during racial segregation. It was very interesting, because it is based on a true story which is sometimes hard to believe.
We’ve worked on segregation in class and many aspects of it are in the movie. For example, the three main characters do not take the bus because of the boycott of public transportation. Also, one of them has to walk more than a mile to go to the restrooms because there are no toilets for people of color in the building where she works.
We really enjoyed this movie because it is incredible to see three African-American women as main characters. They were very strong and better at mathematics than many other people. It shows that being a woman or a black person doesn’t mean that you are inferior to others and that you can achieve what you want! You really should go and see this movie!

The students in 3e1